The Basic Principles Of el secreto

The Basic Principles Of el secreto

Blog Article

"Ese dinero lo puede depositar en su cuenta corriente y está protegido por el secreto bancario. O sea, el secreto bancario protege la corrupción. La pregunta que yo le haría a la alcaldesa es si está dipuesta a levantar el secreto bancario, ya que ella lidera hoy día un sector político amplio, que tiene una presencia mayoritaria en el Congreso.

Be grateful for what you may have now. As you start to consider many of the factors in your daily life you happen to be grateful for, you may be astonished on the under no circumstances-ending feelings that come back to you of more things to be grateful for.

Ministro Marcel: “Hay resistencia de una parte del sistema político al levantamiento del secreto bancario”

Your father died in a tragic accident? Your fault. Your toddler mama took off with the kids and will never let you see 'em? Your fault. Laid off and can't obtain get the job done? Your fault. If you may just Imagine positively on a regular basis, you would Dwell a charmed everyday living and difficulty would never ever darken your doorstep.

وإدّعائها هذا, مثله مثل الكثير من الإدعاءات الأخرى التي يلزمها أن تدلل عليها, فالبشر حتى الآن لا يستقبلون من الذبذبات سوى مقدار بسيط يقع ضمن ما نسميه الطيف المرئي, عن طريق العين, وعند زيادة تردد الذبذبات عن هذا النطاق المرئي فهو يؤذي البشر, فمثلاً الأشعة الفوق بنفسجية والتي تحمينا منها طبقة الأوزون, والتي تعد أكثر قليلاً في التردد عن أشعة الطيف المرئي تصيب البشر بالسرطان, وإذا كانت الترددات التي تدّعي أننا نستقبلها أعلى من النطاقات التي نستطيع تتبعها بالمراصد, فهذا جهل بالطبيعة التي تدعون أنها تمنحنا قانون الجذب, فالترددات العالية بتلك الطريقة تمتلك طاقة كبيرة يمكنها أن تبخّر البشر في لحظات عندما تقترب منّا, تماماً كما الأثر الذي يحدثه مدفع الليزر في أفلام الخيال العلمي, أو "الكا مي ها مي ها" في أنيمي دراجون بول.

وتتابع الكاتبة بالكثير من تحوير الحجج, يستطيع أي ناقد جيد أن يتبين فسادها بسهولة.

Once i pet my cat I am in the point out of joy. When I stroll in mother nature I am in a point out of joy. So I desire to regularly place myself in that point out, and After i do, then all I should do is contain the intention of what I want, and what I need manifests.

This might be considered a reassuring concept for some, specifically as it relives you from the exhausting get the job done of having to appreciate the planet, all its interactions And just how we have been all implicated and sure up with each other - allowing for you to receive on While using click here the enterprise of remaining judgemental rather.

went to dinner with the boss Girl the opposite night time. she went on and on about this wonderful reserve. it was genuinely daily life switching. and she or he was presently seeing the good final results of applying principles from it in her business and private everyday living.

هذا بجانب الكثير والكثير من المغالطات العلمية الأخرى عن مجالات بسيطة درسها الجميع تقريباً في كل أنحاء الكوكب في المراحل الأساسية من تعليمهم, وهذا يوضح مستوى ثقافة الكُتَّاب, وقراءهم, فمثلاً:

When you are listening to some one else complain and specializing in that, sympathizing with them, agreeing with them, in that second, that you are attracting a lot more situations to on your own to complain about p17

It encourages target blaming - due to the fact they only have on their own responsible for bringing their fates upon them selves for an absence of positiver imagining, and in the long run encourages the reader guilty on their own because when their wishes fail to become fishes there can only be a person reason - the favourable wondering was not really good enough, or did not have really the perfect tone of positivity to it.

Our occupation is not really to figure out the how. The how will clearly show up from a determination and belief during the what.

Michael Bernard Beckwith, "a non-aligned trans-religious progressive"—your guess Here's nearly as good as mine. Beckwith also promises the title of physician, Though God on your own is aware of the place the title originates from.

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